The Role of Science Diplomacy in Contributing to the International Legal Order Based on the Charter of the United Nations

2024 Science Policy & Diplomacy Distinguished Speakers Series


11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., Sept. 19, 2024

Paul Arthur Berkman is a Fellow of the International Science Council and Founder of the Science Diplomacy Center™. He will deliver a lecture on "The Role of Science Diplomacy in Contributing to the International Legal Order Based on the Charter of the United Nations." 

The Science Policy & Diplomacy Speakers Series at the University of Arizona occurs each Fall and is comprised of presentations from world renowned experts in the field of science policy and diplomacy. The series is an opportunity for scholars, scientists, policy-makers, and students interested in the field of science policy and diplomacy to learn what this area of study entails. We invite you to join us as we learn from guest lecturers including University Professors, Entrepreneurs from Industry, and Science Diplomacy experts. Each presentation session includes a lecture from the Distinguished Speaker followed by a short moderated question and answer session.


Hassan Vafai